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Collecting Information

Traton collects information on our website in a variety of ways, including the use of cookies. Cookies are small files that can store data on your computer. The data can include your computer’s Internet Protocol Address and information about how you use our site. We use this information to help us understand how you use our web pages. Some information about you may be automatically gathered and stored on our system whenever you visit our website – such as your Internet Protocol Address, the kind of internet browser you use, how you find our site, and how you use our site. We may also use this information to measure and report the number of “hits” on our web pages and report this information publicly or privately (without identifying specific users.)

Your Privacy

At Traton Homes, we understand that the privacy of the information provided to us is significant to you. We use the information gathered only to provide you with additional information regarding our products and services. This information is not sold/distributed to any unaffiliated third parties without your prior consent.

Intellectual Property

All intellectual property and materials via this domain are provided by Traton Homes as information to the public and used for personal information purposes only.

Information Liability

All information provided via this Internet medium is intended for informational purposes only and is not intended to constitute an offer or solicitation. Any inaccuracies within this Internet medium does not hold Traton Homes and its affiliated companies liable or responsible for any actions taken as a result of its use. Traton Homes is not accountable or responsible for any loss or damage resulting from the use or reference of this Internet medium. All information and materials are subject to change without notice.

Links to other websites

Our website contains links to other “third party” websites that are not owned by Traton Homes. Please be aware that those sites may collect information about you, that the collection and use of that information by those “third party” websites are beyond Traton Homes’ control and outside the scope of this Privacy Policy, and that you should consult the privacy policy of those sites before supplying them any of your private information.

Safeguarding information

We collect your information and store it on our servers and use the same care with that information that we use with our own. Note that we will never request sensitive information from you like your credit card or social security numbers. While we strive to protect your information and keep it confidential, Traton Homes cannot ensure or warrant the security of any information you provide. Please be aware that under exceptional circumstances we may be legally compelled to disclose your information to other parties by court order or otherwise.

Changes to this Privacy Policy

Traton Homes may amend this Privacy Policy from time to time. If we make any substantial changes to this Privacy Policy, we will notify you with an announcement on our website.

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720 Kennesaw Avenue, Marietta GA 30060
Privacy Policy | Disclaimer  ©2020 Traton Homes